January 9, 2024

Matthew 6: 25-34

Do not worry, seek the kingdom of God and all you need shall be given to you. Find and connect to your source and every other thing you desire shall be added to your life. The only answer to your worry and fear is to find God.

There is one most important question in life.

The question is this, what is most important for you?

The purpose of seeking the divine is to because of finding the answer to this question. All religions seeking the spiritual realms are to find the ultimate answer to this one question. Jewish, Christianity, Islam, Hindu, African religions and so many others are there to find answers to this human personal question that is shared by different souls.

The answer to this question is also found in most religions. The answer is to connect back to the source. Connect to God. There is nothing in this world more important than the source. As we know today, billions of people have found the answer. At least billions belong to different religions all over the world. They have come to the answer. When you get the answer to your question, you get clarity. Clarity helps you to go on. It helps you out of confusion, foggy, and restlessness. It is very positive because you can know what to do and what not to do.

In the situation as described, people often forget. Then they go into confusion and start searching for answers to a question already answered.

How do you connect to God?

Prayer is the key. Prayer is talking to God. Talking to someone is our way to connect. Communication is our way to connect. Prayer is not a mental issue. It is verbal and physical expression.

In the catholic church, you see different positions taken at different times. Kneeling, standing up, and sitting down.

Islam has their own, standing, sitting, and bowing with their knees and forehead on the ground. Africans dance and sing and in some cases shout.

The question today is what you want to do with your own and only precious life. A life that has no duplicate. What do you want to do with your own only life? What do you want to do with your only gift of life? What do you want to do with it? Find your answer and do not forget.